Friday, August 05, 2005


hmmmm..... so what is it in the work place?

Do they talk behind your backs? Do they gossip about others?

I think I might have done something wrong just now... but to me, it didn't really seem that wrong. Would you all please judge for me?

I was feeling a bit hungry at work today... and I figured I should make a cup of milo for myself in the pantry... At that moment, I was messaging another guy from work, just a casual chat sometimes when we're free. I told him I'm going to the pantry to make myself a drink, and he asked me to make another cup for him. After making some silly comments on saying he's a spoilt brat and other things... I went to the pantry and made 2 cups of milo...

Wow... when I went and passed the cup to him, every eye around the area was looking at me! haaa.... what? Now everyone thinks that there's something between me and him?? huh...... Am I flirty now?? huh..... not going to make drinks or anything for anyone anymore. No thanks!


Blogger SaDdNesZ.jc said...

Office politics... can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em...

Well, the making of milo for a fellow colleague was not something wrong... but then, because everyone else in the office is just plain bored and have nothing else better to do, they make things up... and the spicier the better... just like what you'll get in tabloid newspapers...

So, it's not your fault... But you do have to be careful of what you do from now on... Not that you should be mean towards your fellow colleagues, but taking a look at yourself periodically, checking whether your actions are susceptible to gossip and tabloid style reporting is something you must learn from now on...

Don't take it too seriously... they're just a bunch of under-paid, over-worked, employees that's in need of some good quality gossip to keep their minds sane...

1:48 PM  
Blogger YANZ said...

Re: Amanda said...
Babylion & Dan: Sometimes the bible is quite confusing. Sometimes I think to myself, what if God only walks with us if we truly follow His words? What if in the end, we couldn't follow His standards? What if when we call His name in Heaven's Gate, he wouldn't let me in coz I'm a fake Christian who failed to live my life His way?

LY sayz: I believe that while man looks at the outward appearence, God sees our hearts (its written in the bible)... so I believe that if we still desire for Him, and commit our lives to Him and allow Him to control it, we will be able to live according to His will. I know I would never be able to live up to His standard's which is perfect, that's why I am a sinner. And that, my friend, is where Jesus came in... and made us perfect... and that is called... the grace of God, which we can't do anything to earn it or to get rid of it... ;)

So, dont give up gurl... continue to stand up for Jesus 'cos He stood up for u...

And we FCCian youths are alwiz around for u to relate to and cry upon, cos we're all a bunch of imperfect people too, learning to love each other and to follow Jesus, TOGETHER, cos united we stand, divided we fall... ;)

1:15 AM  
Blogger YANZ said...

whoa! i didnt know i was soooo 'cheong hei'!!?!
hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha LOL

1:17 AM  
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2:44 AM  

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